
2023-11-19 09:10

北京  昌平区  北京中关村生命科学园•泰康研修院

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为进一步加强生物药物创新技术交流,由北京市昌平区人民政府主办,未来科学城管委会(生命园管委会)、北京中关村生命科学园发展有限责任公司、北京昌平科技园发展有限公司、北京中关村生命科学园生物医药科技孵化有限公司、Nature Portfolio、药融圈承办的药海共潮、创新共舞——药物研发论坛暨中关村生命科学园发展论坛将于11月19日在北京召开,就生物药研发新技术、药物开发实践和行业未满足的临床需求等问题,邀请国内外嘉宾进行分享讨论。












未来科学城管委会(生命园管委会)、北京中关村生命科学园发展有限责任公司、北京昌平科技园发展有限公司、北京中关村生命科学园生物医药科技孵化器有限公司、Nature Portfolio、药融圈。





Immunotherapy drug discovery based on normalization of tumor microenvironment 

陈列平  耶鲁大学医学院免疫学教授、美国国家科学院院士



陈冰  阿斯利康中国副总裁、国际业务拓展合作与战略投资负责人



李宁  中国医学科学院肿瘤医院副院长




Using stem cells to model and treat human diseases

Clive Svendsen  西达-赛奈再生医学研究所主任



Where is the next generation of cancer immunotherapy heading?

陈列平  耶鲁大学医学院免疫学教授、美国国家科学院院士

陈冰  阿斯利康中国副总裁、国际业务拓展合作与战略投资负责人

李宁  中国医学科学院肿瘤医院副院长

李锋  天广实生物董事长、总经理




Teaching patient’s T cells to target their own tumor antigens: Therapeutic in situ vaccination for lymphoma and breast ca

Joshua Brody  美国西奈山伊坎医学院副教授


Identification and evolution of novel crispr-cas systems from the human microbiome

Anna Cereseto  意大利特伦托大学分子生物学实验室首席研究员、系副主任


mRNA-based T cell engineering for treatment of virus-related cancer and virus infection.

Antonio Bertoletti  杜克-新加坡国立大学医学院传染病专家、新加坡A*STAR临床科学研究所病毒性肝炎组研究主任



崔霁松  诺诚健华联合创始人、董事长、CEO


Receptor-Interacting Protein Kinase 1 (RIPK1), Cell Death and Neurodegenerative Diseases

袁钧瑛  中国科学院上海有机化学研究所生物与化学交叉研究中心主任、美国国家科学院院士





Unmet Clinical Drug Needs and Advanced Technologies

Antonio Bertoletti  杜克-新加坡国立大学医学院传染病学家

崔霁松  诺诚健华联合创始人、董事长、CEO 

袁钧瑛  中国科学院上海有机化学研究所生物与化学交叉研究中心主任、美国国家科学院院士

文辉  北京生命科学研究所资深研究员







陈博士发表了370多篇经同行评审的研究文章。他在发现用于癌症免疫疗法的 PD-1/PD-L1 通路方面的工作被《Science》杂志评为2013年的年度最具突破研究奖,他是美国国家科学院院士、美国癌症研究协会和癌症免疫治疗协会会员。

Dr. Lieping Chen is an immunologist interested in basic T cell biology, cancer immunology, and translational research to develop new treatments for human diseases including cancer. Prior to joining Yale, he was a faculty member at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Mayo Clinic, and a scientist in Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute.

Dr. Chen has published over 370 peer-reviewed research articles. His work in the discovery of the PD-1/PD-L1 pathway for cancer immunotherapy was cited as the #1 breakthrough of the year by Science magazine in 2013. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and a fellow of the American Association for Cancer Research and the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer.




陈冰先生现任阿斯利康中国副总裁,国际业务拓展合作与战略投资负责人。此外,他还是阿斯利康国际业务部iBD hub负责人,领导团队助力优秀本土医药国际化发展,并加深阿斯利康国际业务与中国业务发展的双向合作。作为阿斯利康中金医疗产业基金创始管理合伙人,他携手战略伙伴中金资本,致力于从资本到商业化多方位赋能本土医药创新。目前,该基金在管金额已超30亿元人民币。



Mr. Chen Bing is currently VP of AstraZeneca China, Head of International Business Development and Venture Fund of AstraZeneca China. As a member of China Senior Management Team, he reports directly to Michael Lai, General Manager of AstraZeneca China. He is also in charge of the iBD hub in the international region of AstraZeneca, leading the team to drive the internationalization of top-tier local pharmaceutical companies and deepen the two-way collaborations between AstraZeneca’s business development in international region and China market.

Mr. Chen Bing serves concurrently as the Managing director and Co-founder of AZ-CICC Healthcare Investment Fund. Joining hands with the strategic partner, CICC Capital, he has been committed to empowering the innovation of local pharmaceutical companies including capital and commercialization. So far, the fund has managed a total amount of over 3 billion yuan.

Bing joined AstraZeneca China in May 2013 and subsequently held various roles including Marketing Director, Regional Sales Director (Zhejiang and Jiangxi provinces) of GRA BU, and Executive Marketing Director of RIA BU. Since July 2017, he has been officially promoted to VP of AstraZeneca China, Head of Alliances and Business Development. In this position, Mr. Chen Bing has brought new leadership and vision to strategic cooperation and external partnership projects with his rich industrial experience and business insights, and successfully led the team to complete a number of strategic cooperation with domestic and international pharmaceutical enterprises, which has helped drive business growth continuously.

Bing possesses a wealth of multinational and cross-sector experience. Prior to joining AstraZeneca, he served at McKinsey & Company for almost seven years, as Associate Principal, Greater China, specializing in strategic consulting for healthcare and other related industries, the scope of his work spanning the entire healthcare value chain. Prior to joining McKinsey, he lived in North America for over 10 years where his focus was on IT- and Internet-related start-ups.Bing holds a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of British Columbia, and an MBA from MIT Sloan School of Management.




李宁,中国医学科学院肿瘤医院副院长,主任医师,教授,博士生导师,临床研究国家级质量评价和促进中心常务副主任,中国医疗器械行业协会临床试验分会副主任委员,北京肿瘤学会副理事长兼秘书长。2005年博士毕业于中国协和医科大学八年制直博临床医学专业;2011年在美国哈佛大学医学院学习肿瘤免疫、靶向、基因治疗;将国际最新肿瘤治疗方法和理念引进国内,牵头进行多种新型药物和治疗方法的研究,中国医学科学院临床研究(GCP)平台建设首席专家。专注于抗肿瘤新药临床试验,罕见肿瘤的个体化精准治疗,肺癌的外科及围手术期靶向和免疫治疗,恶性实体肿瘤的多学科精准治疗,细胞和基因治疗,新药临床试验转化研究。以通讯作者在Lancet Oncology,JAMA Oncology,Cancer Cell,Nature子刊,Journal of Thoracic Oncology等刊物上发表肿瘤专业学术文章五十余篇,总影响因子500余分。担任国家973项目分课题负责人,国家重点研发计划精准医学专项,国家自然科学基金,临床试验能力提升(GCP)平台建设等研究项目负责人。首创针对每一位患者采用精准分子诊断,个体化制定适宜的靶向、细胞、抗体、纳米、疫苗等新方法用以治疗难治、复发、治疗失败肿瘤患者的诊疗体系,获得国际认可。

Li Ning, Vice President of Cancer Hospital Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Chief Physician, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, Executive Deputy Director of National Center for Quality Evaluation and Promotion of Clinical Research, Deputy Director of Clinical Trial Branch of China Association for Medical Devices Industry (CAMDI), Vice President and Secretary General of Beijing association of oncology. 2005, he obtained his doctoral degree in Clinical Medicine from Peking Union Medical College through an eight-year program. 2011, he studied tumor immunology, targeting, and gene therapy at Harvard Medical School. He has introduced the latest international methods and concepts of cancer treatment into the country, leading research on various new drugs and treatment methods. He is the chief expert in the construction of the Clinical Research (GCP) platform at the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences.

He focuses on clinical trials of anti-tumor new drugs, personalized precision treatment for rare tumors, surgical and perioperative targeted and immunotherapy for lung cancer, multidisciplinary precision treatment for malignant solid tumors, cell and gene therapy, and translational research of new drug clinical trials.He has published over 50 academic articles in various important academic journals in the field of oncology, including Lancet Oncology, JAMA Oncology, Cancer Cell, Nature sub-journals, Journal of Thoracic Oncology, etc. The total impact factor of these articles exceeds 500. He serves as the principal investigator of a sub-project of the National 973 Project, the leader of the National Key Research and Development Program for Precision Medicine, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the Clinical Trial Capability Enhancement (GCP) Platform, among other research projects. He has pioneered the use of precise molecular diagnosis for each patient and personalized the appropriate methods such as targeted therapy, cell therapy, antibody therapy, nanotechnology, and vaccines for the treatment of refractory, recurrent, and treatment-failed cancer patients. This diagnostic and treatment system has gained international recognition.

Clive Svendsen



Clive Svendsen博士是雪松西奈理事会再生医学研究所(RMI)的创始人,该研究所拥有30多名教职员工。svensen博士的实验室专注于使用人类诱导多能干细胞来模拟各种神经系统疾病。他的实验室的另一个重点是使用干细胞和生长因子组合的尖端临床试验。

Dr. Clive Svendsen is the founder of the Cedars-Sinai Board of Governors Regenerative MedicineInstitute (RMI) with over 30 faculty members.  Dr. Svendsen’s lab focuses on using human induced pluripotent stem cells to model a wide range of neurological diseases.   The other focus of his lab is cutting-edge clinical trials using combinations of stem cells and growth factors.




李锋博士,中国籍,博士,国家人才获得者。现任北京天广实生物技术股份有限公司董事长兼总经理。李锋博士有近十年在美国生物医药研发部生产工艺及产业化部门的经验, 2011年9月李锋博士回国,引进了有美国产业化经验的4名科学家组成的核心技术团队,在积极引进吸收国外前沿技术的同时,一直坚持自主创新,积极分析把握国际抗体技术发展的最新趋势。结合我国产业发展的具体情况,带领公司团队建立了国内少数拥有完整创新抗体药物研发及产业化技术平台的生物药企之一,主要产品为MIL62、MIL93、MBS303、MBS314等,多年来积极开发了十余个旨在满足国内患者重大需求的抗体产品,临床适应症涵盖肺癌、淋巴瘤、胃癌、狼疮性肾炎、膜性肾病等多个治疗领域。

Dr. Li Feng, Chinese nationality, Ph.D., National Talent Recipient. Dr. Li is the President and General Manager of Beijing Mabworks Biotech Co.Ltd. Dr. Li Feng has nearly a decade of experience in the production process and industrialization department of the U.S. Biopharmaceutical R&D Department. In September 2011, Dr. Li returned to China and established a core technology team consisting of four scientists with experience in industrialization in the U.S. While actively introducing and absorbing cutting-edge technologies from abroad, he consistently emphasized independent innovation and has been actively analyzing and grasping the latest trends of the development of international antibody technology.

combined with the specific conditions of China's industrial development, leading the company to establish itself as one of the few domestic biopharmaceutical enterprises with a comprehensive innovative platform for antibody drug research, development, and industrialization. The company's primary products are MIL62, MIL93, MBS303, MBS314, etc., and over the years, actively developed more than 10 antibody products d  aimed at meeting the significant needs of domestic patients.  These products cover various therapeutic areas, including lung cancer, lymphoma, gastric cancer, lupus nephritis, membranous nephropathy, and more.

Joshua Brody



Joshua Brody医学博士是西奈山Tisch癌症研究所淋巴瘤免疫治疗项目的主任,也是伊坎基因组学研究所的教员。自他2011年加入西奈山医院以来,就发展了一个重点临床项目,以及一个转化性的癌症免疫治疗实验室,该实验室致力于基础和应用肿瘤免疫学的研究,以开发新的疗法,尤其是针对淋巴瘤、乳腺癌和头颈癌。相关的研究成果已在《Nature Medicine》和《Cancer Discovery》等顶级期刊上发表。Joshua Brody医学博士开创了一种原位疫苗接种的方法,该方法在肿瘤部位诱导抗肿瘤免疫,可实现全身肿瘤的消退。他还开发了一种与干细胞移植结合的方法,提高免疫治疗药物对难治性淋巴瘤的疗效。近期,他的团队发现了一种通过阻止肿瘤逃避CAR-T和双特异性抗体疗法的常见逃逸机制来改善免疫疗法的新方法。

Brody博士的研究得到了许多资助机构的支持,包括美国国立卫生研究院、癌症研究协会、Damon Runyon癌症研究基金会、滤泡淋巴瘤研究基金会和淋巴瘤研究基金会。他也是许多专业组织的成员,包括癌症免疫治疗学会和肿瘤学临床试验联盟。

Joshua Brody, MD, is the Director of the Lymphoma Immunotherapy Program at The Tisch Cancer Institute at Mount Sinai and a faculty member of the Icahn Genomics Institute. Since joining Mount Sinai in 2011, he has developed a robust clinical program, as well as a translational Cancer Immunotherapy Lab which investigates basic and applied tumor immunology for the development of novel therapies, particularly for lymphomas, breast cancer, and head/neck cancer with results published in top-tier journals including Nature Medicine and Cancer Discovery.  Dr. Brody has pioneered a therapeutic vaccine approach—in situ vaccination—that induces anti-tumor immunity at the tumor site and can also cause regression of tumors throughout the body. He has also developed a way to use increase the power of immunotherapy drugs against treatment-resistant lymphomas by combining them with stem cell transplantation.  Recently, his group discovered a novel approach to improve immunotherapies by preventing a common escape mechanism that tumors use to evade CAR-T and bispecific antibody therapies.

Dr. Brody’s research receives funding from numerous grantors, including the National Institutes of Health, the Cancer Research Institute, the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation, the Follicular Lymphoma Research Foundation and the Lymphoma Research Foundation. He is a member of many professional organizations, including the Society for the Immunotherapy of Cancer and the Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology.

Antonio Bertoletti



Antonio Bertoletti, MD是病毒性肝炎领域的专家,擅长研究乙型肝炎(HBV)感染的免疫病理机制。他在意大利帕尔马大学攻读医学学位期间就开始从事病毒性肝炎方面的研究。1991年,他在斯克利普斯研究所(拉霍利亚)攻读传染病专业医学博士学位,在此期间,他花了两年时间首次确定了人类乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)特异性细胞毒性 T 细胞反应的特征。他回到帕尔马大学,在传染病系担任临床科学家,继续研究人类乙型肝炎病毒特异性 T 细胞。Bertoletti博士于1995年加入冈比亚的MRC单位,担任高级免疫学家,研究HIV-2特异性T细胞免疫,1997年,他在英国伦敦大学学院的 "UCL 肝病研究所 "担任高级讲师。2006年,他移居新加坡,现任杜克新加坡国立大学医学院新兴病毒性疾病项目的教授。2015年,他创立了Lion TCR Pte(http://liontcr.com), 这是一家生物技术公司,针对病毒相关癌症(HBV-HCC 和 EBV 相关恶性肿瘤)和慢性病毒感染开发基于免疫的治疗方法。

他目前的研究重点是开发用于治疗慢性乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)感染和肝细胞癌的新型免疫疗法(TCR-定向 T 细胞),并对慢性HBV患者的抗病毒免疫进行表征。在过去的两年里,自COVID-19大流行开始以来,他的实验室一直积极参与对COVID-19和SARS康复者以及健康个体的SARS-COV2特异性T细胞免疫反应的研究,并开发了新的方法来表征它们的T细胞反应。

Antonio Bertoletti, MD is an expert in the field of viral hepatitis, with a specific interest in the immunopathogenesis of HBV infection. He began working in viral hepatitis as a medical student at the University of Parma (Italy). During his MD specialization (1991) in Infectious Diseases he spent two years at The Scripps Research Institute (La Jolla) characterizing for the first time the Hepatitis B virus (HBV) specific cytotoxic T cell response in man. He returned to the University of Parma, where he worked in the Department of Infectious Diseases as a Clinical Scientist continuing his study of human HBV specific T cells. Dr. Bertoletti then joined (1995) the MRC Unit in the Gambia, as Senior Immunologist, to study HIV-2 specific T cell Immunity before accepting a position of Senior Lecturer at “The UCL Institute of Hepatology” at University College of London (UK) (1997).  

In 2006 he moved to Singapore where is now Full Professor, at the Emerging Viral Disease Program at Duke-NUS Medical School. 

In 2015 he founded Lion TCR Pte (http://liontcr.com), a biotech company developing immune-based treatments for virus-related cancers (HBV-HCC and EBV related malignancies) and chronic viral infections. 

His current research is focus on the development of new immunological based therapies (TCR-redirected T cells) for the treatment of HBV chronic infection and Hepatocellular carcinoma and on the characterization of antiviral Immunity in chronic HBV patients. In the last 2 years, after the start of the COVID-19  pandemic, his laboratory has been actively involved in the characterization of SARS-COV2 specific T cell immune response in COVID-19 and SARS convalescent and healthy individuals and in the development of new methods to characterize their T cell response).




崔霁松博士,1962 年 10 月出生,美国国籍,拥有中华人民共和国永久居留权,自 2015 年 11 月 3 日起担任公司董事,2016年 8 月 18 日起任行政总裁。2019年 9 月 27 日起,崔霁松博士担任公司执行董事,并当选为公司董事会主席,一直为公司主要管理层成员之一。

崔霁松博士在医药行业的研发及公司管理方面拥有逾 20 年经验。1996年 10 月至 2010 年 10 月 崔霁松博士在美国默克(Merck & Co.)任职,后成为该公司在美国的早期开发团队的负责人;2010 年 11 月至 2011 年 8 月,在 Hua Medicine(华领医药)担任副总裁;2011 年 8 月至 2015 年 8 月期间,担任保诺科技(北京)有限公司的总经理。Jiso崔霁松博士为美中医药开发协会(Sino-American Pharmaceutical Association)第17 届主席,也是该协会第 1 位女性主席。

崔霁松博士于 1983 年 7 月取得山东大学的微生物学学士学位,1992年 12 月取得普渡大学(Purdue University)的生物科学哲学博士学位,并于 1996 年 9月在霍华德·休斯医学研究所(The Howard Hughes Medical Institute)完成心血管研究的博士后培训。

Dr. Jisong Cui, born in October 1962, a U.S. citizen with permanent residency in the People's Republic of China. has served as a director of the Company since November 3, 2015, and as Chief Executive Officer since August 18, 2016.

Since September 27, 2019, Dr. Jisong Cui has served as an executive director of the company and was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors, and has been one of the members of the key management of the Company.

Dr. Jisong Cui possesses over 20 years of experience in research and development as well as company management in the pharmaceutical industry. From October 1996 to October 2010, Dr. Cui served at Merck & Co. in the United States, where she later became the head of the company's early development team in the U.S. From November 2010 to August 2011, she held the position of Vice President at Hua Medicine. Between August 2011 and August 2015, Dr. Cui served as the General Manager of BioDuro (Beijing) Company Limited. Dr. Jisong Cui is the 17th Chairperson of the Sino-American Pharmaceutical Association and the first female Chairperson of the association.

Dr. Jisong Cui received his B.S. in Microbiology from Shandong University in July 1983, his Ph.D. in Biological Sciences from Purdue University in December 1992, and completed his postdoctoral training in cardiovascular research in September 1996 at The Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

Dr. Cui Jisong obtained a Bachelor's degree in Microbiology from Shandong University in July 1983. Her Ph.D. in Biological Sciences from Purdue University in December 1992, and completed his postdoctoral training in cardiovascular research in September 1996 at The Howard Hughes Medical Institute.




袁钧瑛于1982年在中国上海复旦大学获得本科学位,1989 年获得哈佛大学神经科学博士学位。袁博士的博士论文是在麻省理工学院 H. R. Horvitz 实验室完成的。1992 年,她被哈佛大学医学院任命为助理教授,并成为麻省总医院心血管研究中心的首席研究员。她于 1996 年加入哈佛大学医学院细胞生物学系,并于 2000 年被任命为细胞生物学教授。2014年,获得哈佛大学ElizabethD.Hay教授称号。(该教授职位是为了纪念哈佛大学医学院历史上第一位女性正教授、已故的伊丽莎白-海教授(Elizabeth D. Hay)。)袁博士于2020年回国,加入上海有机化学研究所,担任生物与化学跨学科研究中心主任。

袁博士是细胞死亡领域的先驱和有影响力的领导者。她发表的254篇论文被高度引用,总引用次数超过11.6万次(H指数133)。在细胞凋亡(apoptosis)和程序性细胞坏死(necroptosis)的工作中做出了里程碑式的发现。她发现了哺乳动物的半胱天冬酶(caspases),引领了细胞凋亡研究的分子时代。她利用化学生物学证明了可调控的细胞坏死方式,即程序性细胞坏死(necroptosis),在人类炎症性和神经退行性疾病中的存在和重要性,并揭示了RIPK1作为necroptosis的关键介导因子的作用。由袁博士首次发现的 RIPK1 抑制剂已进入人体临床试验阶段,用于治疗全球范围内的人类炎症和神经退行性疾病,如肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症(ALS)和阿尔茨海默病(AD)。袁博士的成就获得了许多奖项,包括乳腺癌研究创新奖、美国国立卫生研究院院长先锋奖、安捷伦科技思想领袖奖以及中国旅美科技协会颁发的杰出科学家奖。她是美国国家科学院院士、美国艺术与科学院院士和美国科学促进会院士。

Junying Yuan received her undergraduate degree from Fudan University, Shanghai, China, in 1982 and her Ph.D. in Neuroscience from Harvard University in 1989. Dr. Yuan carried out her Ph.D. thesis work at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the laboratory of H. R. Horvitz. She was first appointed as Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School in 1992, when she became a Principal Investigator of the Cardiovascular Research Center at Massachusetts General Hospital. She joined the Department of Cell Biology in 1996 and was appointed a Professor of Cell Biology at Harvard Medical School in 2000. In 2014, Dr. Yuan was appointed as Elizabeth D. Hay Professor of Cell Biology, a Professorship honors the late Professor Elizabeth D. Hay, the first female full professor in the history of Harvard Medical School. Dr. Yuan returned to China in 2020 and joined Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry as the Director of Interdisciplinary Research Center on Biology and Chemistry.

Dr. Yuan is a pioneer and an influential leader in the cell death field. Her 254 published papers have been highly cited with collective citations of more than 116,000 times (H index 133). Dr. Yuan made transformative discoveries on two distinct forms of cell death, apoptosis and necroptosis in mammalian cells. Her discovery of mammalian caspases led to a molecular era in apoptosis research. She used chemical biology to demonstrate the existence and significance of a regulated necrosis mechanism, termed necroptosis, in human inflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases and the role of RIPK1 as a key mediator of necroptosis. RIPK1 inhibitors, first discovered and described by Dr. Yuan, have been advanced into human clinical trials for the treatment of human inflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) worldwide. Dr. Yuan’s accomplishments have been honored by many awards including the Innovator Award for Breast Cancer Research, NIH Director’s Pioneer award and Agilent Techno








李文辉2001年获得中国协和医科大学中国医学科学院 病原生物学博士学位,2001.9-2004.5在哈佛大学医学院做博后,2004.6-2007.9担任哈佛大学医学院Instructor,2007.10-2015.2担任北京生命科学研究所研究员,2015.3至今为北京生命科学研究所资深研究员。



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郑王曦 15857107124
蒋晓华 13551362642
李亚玲 18215607723

李晓林 18801007371

张   玲 15005862516





