

Slowing early Parkinson’s disease

Nature 等信源发布 2024-06-17 19:31


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GLP-1 receptor agonists have previously been evaluated as treatments for type 2 diabetes or obesity, and other work has also suggested that these drugs are neuroprotective in mouse models of PD. To investigate whether these findings extended into humans, the authors conducted a phase 2 clinical trial of 156 patients with PD from 21 clinics across France, with the primary goal of seeing whether lixisenatide could affect patients’ scores on part III of a survey called the MDS-UPDRS, which measures PD-associated motor symptoms.


All patients were in the early stages of disease onset and had only been diagnosed with PD within three years of the trial. Patients were evenly split into two groups who received a daily injection of either a placebo or 20 µg of lixisenatide for 12 months, alongside their current medication regime (for example, levodopa).Participants were brought into the clinic at 1–3-month intervals after the start of the trial, so that the authors could monitor their health.


In part, this meant the authors could watch out for the development of adverse side effects and adjust the patients’ treatment regimens. As described by the study’s corresponding author, Olivier Rascol, “we had about 40% of our patients [28/75] receiving the drug [lixisenatide] who complained of nausea, which was expected.

在某种程度上,这意味着作者可以注意不良副作用的发展,并调整患者的治疗方案。正如该研究的通讯作者Olivier Rascol所描述的那样,“我们大约有40%的患者(28/75)接受了药物[利西那肽]的治疗,他们抱怨恶心,这是意料之中的。

And we anticipated that some of the patients would have this kind of problem; rather than dropping out for side effects, we allowed them to down-titrate to 10 µg a day, half the dose.” Likewise, levodopa dosing was adjusted on a case-by-case basis, although Rascol highlights that this did not differ between the placebo and lixisenatide arms (~4.4 mg difference in levodopa dosing by the end of the study)..

我们预计一些患者会出现这种问题;我们不允许他们因副作用而退出,而是允许他们每天将滴定量降至10µg,即剂量的一半。”同样,左旋多巴的剂量也根据具体情况进行了调整,尽管Rascol强调安慰剂组和利西那肽组之间没有差异(到研究结束时,左旋多巴的剂量差异约为4.4 mg)。。

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George Andrew S. Inglis.Rights and permissionsReprints and permissionsAbout this articleCite this articleInglis, G.A.S. Slowing early Parkinson’s disease.


Nat Aging (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s43587-024-00660-wDownload citationPublished: 17 June 2024DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s43587-024-00660-wShare this articleAnyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:Get shareable linkSorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article.Copy to clipboard.

Nat Aging(2024)。https://doi.org/10.1038/s43587-024-00660-wDownload引文发布日期:2024年6月17日OI:https://doi.org/10.1038/s43587-024-00660-wShare本文与您共享以下链接的任何人都可以阅读此内容:获取可共享链接对不起,本文目前没有可共享的链接。复制到剪贴板。

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