
Ontrak Health获得2024年HITRUST CSF®认证,确认对数据安全和合规性的承诺

Ontrak Health Secures HITRUST CSF ® Certification for 2024, Affirming Commitment to Data Security and Compliance

businesswire 等信源发布 2024-08-15 18:00


MIAMI--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Ontrak, Inc. (NASDAQ: OTRK), a leading AI-powered and telehealth-enabled behavioral healthcare company, announced the achievement of the HITRUST Risk-based, 2-year (r2) certification of the customer data exchange elements of its Ontrak Advanced Engagement System. This certification underscores Ontrak's unwavering commitment to maintaining the highest standards of data security and regulatory compliance..

迈阿密--(商业新闻短讯)--领先的人工智能和远程保健支持的行为医疗保健公司Ontrak,Inc.(纳斯达克:OTRK)宣布对其Ontrak Advanced Engagement System的客户数据交换元素进行基于HITRUST风险的2年(r2)认证。该认证强调了Ontrak对维护最高数据安全标准和法规遵从性的坚定承诺。。

The HITRUST CSF certification for Ontrak's Advanced Engagement System not only exemplifies our commitment to the gold standard in data protection and compliance but also ensures that our Ontrak Identify product suite, a core component of its WholeHealth+ solution, operates at the forefront of secure, AI-driven healthcare engagement, offering peace of mind to our partners and unparalleled care for our members..

Ontrak先进参与系统的HITRUST CSF认证不仅体现了我们对数据保护和法规遵从性黄金标准的承诺,而且还确保了我们的Ontrak Identify产品套件(其全方位+解决方案的核心组成部分)在安全、人工智能驱动的医疗保健参与方面处于领先地位,为我们的合作伙伴提供了安心,并为我们的成员提供了无与伦比的关怀。。

The HITRUST CSF® certification is a comprehensive and flexible framework that combines healthcare-specific security, privacy, and regulatory requirements from existing frameworks such as HIPAA, NIST, ISO, and COBIT. Ontrak's certification, valid for two years, is a testament to the company's dedication to protecting sensitive health information, a crucial aspect in the healthcare industry..

HITRUST CSF®认证是一个全面而灵活的框架,结合了HIPAA、NIST、ISO和COBIT等现有框架中针对医疗保健的安全性、隐私和监管要求。Ontrak的认证有效期为两年,证明了该公司致力于保护敏感健康信息,这是医疗保健行业的一个关键方面。。

'Ontrak's ongoing commitment to customer data security is at the forefront of our operations,' said Arik Hill, the Company’s Chief Information Officer. 'Achieving the HITRUST CSF certification is not just a badge of honor; it represents our promise to our customers that their data is safeguarded with the utmost care and according to the highest standards in the industry.'.

该公司首席信息官阿里克·希尔(ArikHill)说,Ontrak对客户数据安全的持续承诺是我们运营的最前沿获得HITRUST CSF认证不仅仅是荣誉勋章;它代表了我们对客户的承诺,即他们的数据将得到最大程度的保护,并符合行业最高标准。”。

The certification process involved a rigorous assessment by an Authorized External Assessor, validating the security and compliance of Ontrak’s Axiom TransSend platform, along with the AWS infrastructure, met the HITRUST CSF v11.0.1 Risk-based, 2-year (r2) certification criteria, ensuring a secure and compliant environment for handling customer data..

认证过程涉及由授权外部评估员进行的严格评估,验证Ontrak的Axiom TransSend平台以及AWS基础设施的安全性和合规性,符合HITRUST CSF v11.0.1基于风险的2年(r2)认证标准,确保了处理客户数据的安全合规环境。。

About Ontrak Health

关于Ontrak Health

Ontrak Health (Nasdaq: OTRK) is a leading AI and technology-enabled behavioral healthcare company, whose mission is to help improve the health and save the lives of as many people as possible. Ontrak identifies, engages, activates, and provides care pathways to treatment for the most vulnerable members of the behavioral health population who would otherwise fall through the cracks of the healthcare system.

Ontrak Health(纳斯达克股票代码:OTRK)是一家领先的人工智能和技术支持的行为保健公司,其使命是帮助改善尽可能多的人的健康并挽救他们的生命。Ontrak识别、参与、激活并为行为健康人群中最脆弱的成员提供治疗的护理途径,否则这些成员将落入医疗保健系统的裂缝。

We engage individuals with anxiety, depression, substance use disorder and chronic disease through personalized care coaching and customized care pathways that help them receive the treatment and advocacy they need, despite the socio-economic, medical and health system barriers that exacerbate the severity of their comorbid illnesses.


The company’s integrated intervention platform uses AI, predictive analytics and digital interfaces combined with dozens of care coach engagements to deliver improved member health, better healthcare system utilization, and durable outcomes and savings to healthcare payors..
