
ExactCare和Tabula Rasa医疗保健业务合并结束,为有最复杂需求的患者创建了一家领先的、独立的、基于价值的药房管理公司

ExactCare and Tabula Rasa HealthCare Business Combination Closes, Creating a Leading, Independent Value-Based Pharmacy Management Company for Patients with the Most Complex Needs

GlobeNewswire 等信源发布 2023-11-06 21:10


CLEVELAND, Nov. 06, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ExactCare®, a national provider of medication management and comprehensive long-term pharmacy services and a Nautic Partners portfolio company, today announced that the acquisition of Tabula Rasa HealthCare, Inc.®, a leading healthcare company advancing personalized, comprehensive care for value-based care organizations, is complete.

克利夫兰,2023年11月6日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)-ExactCare®,一家全国药物管理和综合长期药房服务提供商以及Nautic Partners投资组合公司,今天宣布收购Tabula Rasa HealthCare,Inc。®是一家领先的医疗保健公司,为基于价值的护理组织提供个性化,全面的护理,已经完成。

ExactCare and Tabula Rasa are creating a leading, independent pharmacy care management company that specializes in caring for the most at-risk patient populations in the healthcare system—helping them to live healthier and thrive in both home- and community-based settings. Together, the two organizations care for over 100,000 beneficiaries served by the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE), Medicare, Medicaid and Dual-eligible plans.

ExactCare和Tabula Rasa正在创建一家领先的独立药房护理管理公司,专门负责照顾医疗系统中风险最高的患者群体,帮助他们在家庭和社区环境中过上更健康和繁荣的生活。这两个组织共同照顾超过10万名受益人,这些受益人由老年人全民护理计划(PACE),医疗保险,医疗补助和双重资格计划提供服务。

“This transaction brings together two of the leading healthcare companies that have pioneered the integration of comprehensive pharmacy services in population health and transformed pharmacy care management into a proven driver of enhanced clinical outcomes, better overall patient health, and lower total cost of care,” said John Figueroa, who previously served as Executive Chairman of ExactCare and is now the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the combined company.

John Figueroa说:“这项交易汇集了两家领先的医疗保健公司,这些公司率先将全面的药房服务整合到人口健康和改变药房护理管理中,成为提高临床结果,改善整体患者健康状况和降低护理总成本的可靠驱动力。”,他曾担任ExactCare的执行主席,现在是联合公司的主席兼首席执行官。

“This shared focus on optimizing patient care and driving favorable healthcare outcomes will enable ExactCare and Tabula Rasa to significantly expand our impact for patients, partners and the broader healthcare industry.” ExactCare and Tabula Rasa have nearly three decades of combined experience providing pharmacy care solutions to meet the unique needs of patients with the most complex, chronic medical needs through partnerships with payers, providers and risk-bearing organizations .

“共同关注优化患者护理和推动有利的医疗保健成果将使ExactCare和Tabula Rasa能够显着扩大我们对患者,合作伙伴和更广泛医疗保健行业的影响。”ExactCare和Tabula Rasa拥有近三十年的联合经验,提供药房护理解决方案,以满足最复杂患者的独特需求,通过与付款人,提供者和承担风险的组织建立伙伴关系来满足慢性医疗需求。