
自动体外除颤器开发商Avive Solutions完成5650万美元新一轮融资,用于加速其在美国的商业发展

Avive Solutions Completes $56.5M Growth Round

VC News Daily 等信源发布 2024-04-18 18:23


Avive Solutions, the developer of the world's most advanced connected automated external defibrillator (AED) - the Avive Connect AED'‡ - today announced the closing of a $56.5 million growth equity financing. The round was led by Questa Capital, Laerdal Million Lives Fund (LMLF), and Catalyst Health Ventures, and welcomed several new investors including RC Capital and Eckuity Capital.

Avive Solutions是世界上最先进的连接式自动体外除颤器(AED)-Avive Connect AED'的开发商,今天宣布关闭5650万美元的增长股权融资。这一轮由Questa Capital、Laerdal Million Lifes Fund(LMLF)和Catalyst Health Ventures牵头,并欢迎了包括RC Capital和Eckuity Capital在内的几位新投资者。

The new capital will be used to accelerate Avive's commercial developments across the United States and to further expand the team with top talent. The Company also announced that Rik Vandevenne, Managing Partner at RC Capital, has joined Avive's Board of Directors.Avive Solutions, Inc'‡ is revolutionizing Sudden Cardiac Arrest response with an innovative ecosystem that seamlessly integrates a state-of-the-art, connected AED (the Avive Connect AED'‡) and first-of-its-kind software solutions.

新资金将用于加速Avive在美国各地的商业发展,并进一步扩大拥有顶尖人才的团队。该公司还宣布,RC Capital的管理合伙人Rik Vandevenne已加入Avive的董事会。Avive Solutions,Inc'正在通过一个创新的生态系统彻底改变心脏骤停反应,该生态系统无缝集成了最先进的联网AED(Avive Connect AED)及其同类软件解决方案。

Focused on portability, accessibility, and connectivity, the Avive Connect AED aims to establish a new standard of excellence in the industry. Complementing this device are Avive's REALConnect Platform™, a software solution designed to streamline AED ownership and management, and Avive's Intelligent Response Platform™, which is designed to provide comprehensive cardiac arrest response capabilities to entire communities.

Avive Connect AED专注于便携性、可访问性和连通性,旨在建立行业卓越的新标准。Avive的REALConnect平台(一种旨在简化AED所有权和管理的软件解决方案)和Avive的智能响应平台(旨在为整个社区提供全面的心脏骤停响应能力)是对该设备的补充。

This connected approach aims to ensure AEDs are ready to use when needed, increase bystander intervention, reduce time-to-defibrillation, and facilitate the rapid transfer of critical data to those who need it most. Founded in 2017, Avive'‡ is dedicated to empowering bystanders, first responders, and 911 telecommunicators to administer lifesaving care with ease and efficiency.


Its versatile connected AED and software solution protects individuals across a diverse array of industries and.
