
儿科远程医疗平台运营商Summer Health获得1165万美元A轮融资

Summer Health Raises $11.65M Series A

VC News Daily 等信源发布 2024-04-23 19:04


The round was co-led by new investor 7wire Ventures and returning investor Lux Capital. Returning investors Sequoia Capital, Metrodora Ventures, Box Group, and Shrug Capital participated, with new participation from Pivotal Ventures, a Melinda French Gates company and Leaps by Bayer. Alfred Lin of Sequoia Capital, Deena Shakir of Lux Capital, Alyssa Jaffee of 7wire Ventures, and Chelsea Clinton of Metrodora Ventures are also joining the Summer board.Launched in July 2022, Summer Health is the first step and ongoing tool for anyone navigating health concerns, offering timely text access to high-quality healthcare professionals who provide expert answers and reliable advice over text in 15 minutes, 24/7.

这一轮由新投资者7wire Ventures和回归投资者Lux Capital共同领导。回归投资者红杉资本(Sequoia Capital)、Metrodora Ventures、Box Group和Shrug Capital参与了此次投资,Pivotal Ventures、梅林达法国盖茨公司(Melinda French Gates company)和Leaps by Bayer也参与了此次投资。红杉资本(Sequoia Capital)的阿尔弗雷德·林(Alfred Lin)、勒克斯资本(Lux Capital)的迪娜·夏奇尔(Deena Shakir)、7wire Ventures的艾莉莎·贾菲(Alyssa Jaffee)和Metrodora Ventures的切尔西·克林顿(Chelsea Clinton)也。Summer Health于2022年7月推出,是任何人解决健康问题的第一步和持续工具,为高质量的医疗保健专业人员提供及时的文本访问,他们在15分钟内(全天候)通过文本提供专家答案和可靠建议。

The company is on a mission to radically simplify the healthcare experience for parents..
