

NHS Shared Business Services helps upskills health and care workforce

Digital Health | 2024-03-29 | 翻译由动脉网AI生成,点击反馈


NHS Shared Business Services has launched its Digital Health Advisory Services framework agreement – a one-of-a-kind agreement to help the NHS augment the digital, data and technology skills and capabilities of its workforce. The procurement solution will help health and care organisations address their immediate and short-term digital, data and technology (DDaT) expertise needs, compliantly and cost-effectively.As the NHS experiences ever-more significant technological adoption, it will be vital that the workforce has the necessary skills to implement and operate digital transformation projects and initiatives.

NHS Shared Business Services推出了其数字健康咨询服务框架协议,这是一项独一无二的协议,旨在帮助NHS提高其员工的数字、数据和技术技能和能力。采购解决方案将有助于医疗保健组织满足其当前和短期的数字、数据和技术(DDaT)专业需求,既符合法规要求,又具有成本效益。随着NHS经历了越来越重要的技术采用,劳动力拥有实施和运营数字转型项目和举措的必要技能至关重要。

Without the required skillset, patient safety and care is compromised.A Health Education England report from its Digital Readiness programme found that in the lead-up to 2030, an additional 32,000 full-time roles in DDaT would be required, in line with expected demand, to reach a forecasted required size of 78,000.The NHS Shared Business Services Digital Health Advisory Services Framework agreement was developed in collaboration with NHS England’s Transformation Directorate.


It comprises 40 carefully vetted providers of consultancy services that can support the delivery of IT projects, clinical informatics advisory, digital training and the provision of temporary staff with DDaT skills.All of the providers specialise in digital healthcare and can help the NHS reach both its short-term and long-term goals for upskilling the workforce.David Holbrook, senior category manager – digital workforce and IT transformation at NHS Shared Business Services, said: “The NHS Long Term Workforce Plan states that harnessing the opportunities presented by digital and technological innovations requires NHS staff to continue to build digital skills and capabilities.“Workforce is on.

它由40家经过仔细审查的咨询服务提供商组成,这些服务提供商可以支持It项目的交付、临床信息咨询、数字培训以及提供具有DDaT技能的临时员工。所有供应商都专注于数字医疗保健,可以帮助NHS实现提高劳动力技能的短期和长期目标。NHS Shared Business Services数字劳动力和IT转型高级类别经理David Holbrook表示:“NHS长期劳动力计划指出,利用数字和技术创新带来的机会需要NHS员工继续培养数字技能和能力。”劳动力正在投入。



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